Thursday, October 31, 2013

Learning Cycle for Kindergarten

Learning Cycle Five E Lesson for Kindergarten

Plants have different parts.


Note:  This lesson really lasts several days as each stage of the lesson is probably plenty for the attention span of the students. 

Engage:  Students reach into a bag and pull out different paper plant parts.   They are directed to place them on the board.     Students place them on the board wherever they want.  They may or may not at this point place them together as a plant.   Students may make comments about what the pieces are. 

Explore:  A plant with exposed roots is place on the table for students to observe.  What do you observe?  Is all of the plant the same?”  If students start naming plant parts have them point to them and describe how the leaf is different than the roots. 

Explain:  Does anything on the board look like the plant we are observing.  Teacher will ask questions probing the student to identify that plants have parts and that they may have a stem, roots, leaves, flower and seeds.  Can you show me where the plant parts are on this plant?  Teacher will give students some bendy sticks and have them shape them into a plant showing their understanding of the main parts of a plant: roots, stem, leaves and flower.  Students will explain their understanding.  If desired, a piece of paper can be placed over the wax plant and a crayon rub can be done.

Extend:  The teacher will read a story about plants to the class: The Little Seed by Eric Carle, pointing out and discussing the plant parts as they go.   Students will complete the sentence frame with the teacher.  The plant has a ______________.

Evaluate:  Students will create a flower and identify the parts, Stem, roots, leaves, flower and seeds.

Below is a photo of the assessment for the unit.  I had students label using paint chips.   The teacher could provide printed labels.