Sunday, April 27, 2014

Connecting Informational Text Common Core Standards with Science Instruction using Graphic Organizers

Using informational text as a resource in science and social studies is an excellent way to supplement your content instruction and align with the common core standards for reading informational text.   According to the research, students benefit from using graphic organizers to help them understand, reflect on and make connections with informational text.   Graphic organizers increase both comprehension and vocabulary development.

I suggest using graphic organizers either before or after the reading.  Using an organizer before the reading gives the students something to look for in the reading, a purpose and direction.   Using an organizer after the reading encourages the student to look back at the text and make comparisons, draw conclusions and make inferences.

If you would like graphic organizers that are specifically aligned with the Common Core Reading Informational Text standards, please click the link below.  Standards are listed on each graphic organizer.  See the sample pages below.  These graphic organizers can be folded or cut and placed in the interactive notebook.

Graphic Organizers Aligned with Informational Text
More Graphic Organizers for Informational Text Grades 4-6

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