Thursday, May 15, 2014

Using Foldables in the Science and Social Studies Interactive Notebooks

I just love foldables!   
Preview of Foldable Templates

Foldables are graphic organizers that are designed for student interaction and are student created.   They can help your students organize, review, retain and interact with all kinds of information.
Can be used:
For a study guide
For a self-check/self-assessment
For a variety of subjects
For assessment

Instead of a worksheet

For several years I have been using foldables with our interactive notebooks.  I usually use a foldable to have the students present their understanding of the concepts after they have participated in a hands-on inquiry based science lesson.   

The possibilities are endless and the students just LOVE them!   Retention of ideas seems to be better and students are given and opportunity to explain their thinking both visually and in writing.

If you would like to purchase a pack of 50 templates for Foldables (including the ones pictured above) please see my store at 

Preview of my new Pack of 50 Foldable Templates

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