Challenge: Build a the tallest Tower of Keva Planks that can support a Smurf or Sponge Bob.
Every piece is the same. KEVA planks are about 1/4 inch thick, 3/4 inch wide and 4 1/2 inches long. They are cut with precision.
You build structures by simply stacking the planks. No glue, no connectors. They can be stacked upright which looks like it would be unstable as a house of cards, but even this type of structure is surprisingly stable.
Questions for Students:
What made your structure stable or unstable?What design worked best?
What else could you build with Keva Planks?
How is your final structure different from your original concept?
What can you learn from structures others have built?
How are forces working in your structure?
What did you discover as you built?
What part of STEM instruction are you using?
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Special Thanks to Dave Francis
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