Sunday, June 26, 2016

Call For Makers and Exhibitors UVUSTEM+Expo

You are cordially invited to attend UVU's STEM+ Expo on Saturday, September 24th, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00p.m.

The STEM+ Expo provides a place for people of all ages to participate in the Maker Movement for FREE!
The Maker Movement has its emphasis, simply put: on having children and adults make something.  The Maker Movement encourages creativity, new ideas, innovation, repurposing, design principles and thinking outside the box.  
The Maker Movement is one manifestation of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.)  Through the Maker Movement we can encourage people to try something new, learn while using tools, explore new ideas, and engage in critical thinking.

There is a saying in the Maker Culture:  It is not a make if you don’t share it.  

Sharing and showcasing what one has made and the process of the making is an important aspect of the Maker Movement.

Our STEM+ Expo will be an opportunity for all types of Makers to showcase their Makes and explain/demonstrate their process.

At the STEM+ Expo you will have a chance to meet Makers of all kinds and speak with them about their process while you see what they make.

You will also be able to participate in Make and Take Booths where we will have items to Make and Take such as LED Lights, a Sound Sandwich, weaving and marshmallow launchers, absolutely FREE!

You will also have the opportunity to visit Make and Take a Photo Booths that allow you to explore and play with some interesting materials such as Squishy Circuits, Keva Planks and Makey Makeys.

It is FREE to attend the STEM+ Expo

We are currently looking for Makers who wish to Exhibit at the STEM+ Expo.  If you are interested, please visit our website and apply to be a Maker under the Maker tab.  It is Free to exhibit, but you must apply. 

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