Thursday, March 30, 2017

Wax Museum as an Engagement Strategy

I had the pleasure of visiting Sierra Bonita Elementary to see the sixth grade Wax Museum.  I visited two classrooms belonging to Mr. Peterson and Ms. Cope.  These amazing teachers told me that they:
  • Teach the students to write a 5 paragraph essay
  • Guide them in some research and selecting a person from history
  • Have the students write their essay.
  • Have the students create a display board.
  • Have the students write a 30 second speech as if they were that person.
  • Practice and memorize speech.
  • Dress up and present.

Visitors walk through and press a paper button and the wax figures come to life giving their speech.  

The results were pretty amazing!

Great job sixth graders!   Thank you to the teachers and Principal Andersen for allowing me to take photographs. 

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If you are interested in some fun and colorful science lessons check out this new resource: Bundle of Colorful and Exciting Science Lessons
