The Second Grade Science Standards for NGSS take some careful thought, but there are ways to engage students in meaningful activities that help them learn the material.
Sometimes when I look at certain standards, it takes me a while to figure out what it is they want. For example:
2-PS1-3. Make observations to construct an evidence-based account of how an object made of a small set of pieces can be disassembled and made into a new object.
I had to ponder this one for quite a while to figure out what they actually wanted the students to learn and do.
Once I figure out the standard, I proceed like this:
I engage students in a variety of hands on science activities.
Next I like to have the students respond with response pages to express their learning related to the hands-on activity.
After that I like to introduce the students to some nonfiction text on the background science related to the topic. I usually do this with a CLOSE reading activity.
I then have student think about the reading and respond either with response pages or engaging interactive notebook folds.
I might follow this up with a learning game or sorting activity.
Sorting Cards can be purchased individually or within other resources.
Now, I love planning curriculum. I know it is weird, but to me it is sort of a puzzle to put together and to figure out what the standard is saying and how I can make it engaging for the students. If you are not as into planning as I am, you can take a look at the curriculum I have put together for 2nd grade NGSS.
You can buy my entire collection here at a 20% discount.
Thank you for reading.