Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Gravity and Mass, Lessons and Activities

Gravity and Mass and the role of Gravity in the Solar System

One concept in middle school science that can be tricky to teach is the relationship between gravity and mass and the role of gravity in the solar system. 

One way I teach this is with barycentric balls.  I created my own using string, sand, and tennis balls.  

The barycentric system shows that rotation will happen closer to the ball with a greater mass. 
Gravity and Mass

Gravity and Mass barycentric balls
The black tennis ball is filled with sand and it has a greater mass.

I also like to have students read some informational text on gravity and its role in the solar system.

Students will also like learning about Pangea.Gravity and Mass Middle School Science

Then I have them explain their understanding with a model in their interactive notebook. 
Gravity and Mass interactive notebooks

Here are my complete units on Gravity and Mass and Gravity in the Solar System

Gravity and Mass Middle School Science

Gravity and Mass Middle School Science

Gravity and Mass Middle School Science

See other resources for Middle School Science

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