Friday, December 27, 2019

STEM Challenges: Paper Circuits with Copper Tape

STEM challenges with copper conductive tape are so much fun! Students love making paper circuits with these STEM activities. Teach kids about electrical circuits by using copper tape, LED lights, and paper! Kids will love these simple circuit projects. All you need is some double conductive copper tape, coin batteries, and LED diode lights.  You can use this to teach students about current electricity and electrical circuits.  The first one I like to do is to have students make a simple circuit with a switch.  With this concept, I can teach them closed circuit, open circuit, electrical switch, conductivity and so much more. These circuit projects for kids are so much fun! Students will learn how to make a paper circuit with a switch.

copper tape simple circuit with switch

Some students benefit from templates that will help them with placement.  The templates can also be used to help students troubleshoot their own designs. The paper circuit templates make it easy to use and provide support for students who need it. 

paper circuit templateHow to make a paper circuit with a switch.

The clear paper circuits lesson plan will make it easy to teach this concept.

From there I build on circuits with series circuits and parallel circuits.  I do not usually tell students exactly how to do it, I like to have them troubleshoot to practice their engineering and design skills.
Copper Tape Paper Circuit Templates

This one is set up with a paper circuit.

Once students can learn how to make a circuit, you can have them push the lights forward to make all kinds of fun the eyes for this robot!

paper circuit lesson plan
copper tape STEM Christmas Project
The copper tape LED circuits can be used for STEM Christmas projects also.

light saber light up paper circuit

light up paper circuit snowman
 Students will love these holiday stem challenges.

paper circuit simple circuit with switch
Goes nicely with fourth-grade science lesson plans and fourth-grade NGSS and Utah SEEd standards.
I also have students explore different types of switches.
paper circuit project ideas

 My complete unit on Paper Circuits has ten challenges, an article on electrical circuits, follow-up pages, help with troubleshooting, directions with photos, and more.  Copper Tape Paper Circuits STEM Challenges
Perfect for electricity lesson plans fourth grade.
electrical circuit paper circuit unit
paper circuit project ideas

paper circuit copper tape

Also Christmas and Holiday STEM Challenges
Electrical Tape Stem Challenges