I am proud today to join in with Special Educators on a blog hop. Please visit some of the other posts and see what great advice you get from these wonderful teachers.
My Throwback Thursday post for the week..
One of the ways I try to meet the needs of English Learners and other Exceptional students in the content area (like science) is to make sure they have experiences with vocabulary that use Total Physical Response. The strategy modeled here is called Content Cognitive Dictionary. Here it is presented with adult participants, but can easily be used with elementary students.
Side note: It was a big deal figuring out what I would wear for this film because I didn't want to look dated in a few years. There were no students on campus the day of the filming so my "students" are a couple of my colleagues.
Below is a sample from a notebook entry after using the Content Cognitive Dictionary in a lesson. A few of the vocabulary words were different than the video, but the technique was the same.
actual definition
a picture
a gesture to remember the word
Content Cognitive Dictionary
Templates for Interactive Notebooks
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You may enjoy visiting my other posts. The Water Cycle