Friday, November 17, 2017

Weathering and Erosion Hands-On Lab and Close Reading Activities for Earth Science 4-ESS2-1

Earth science needs to be taught in hands-on ways with lots of interaction and reflection.  Weathering and erosion can be taught using simple house hold materials that are easy to find. 

Using sand, water, and salt rocks you can simulate the moving river and how it affects rocks.

 Stones become rounded and smooth in the river.

Wind also shapes the landscapes. 
The Students learn about the difference between weathering and erosion.  They also learn about chemical and physical erosion.

I have students read nonfiction text to further their understanding of chemical and physical erosion. This allows me to integrate reading informational text standards with the science curriculum. I do this in a CLOSE reading format.

I follow both the hands-on activities and the reading of informational text with interactive notebook flaps and folds. 

We connect weathering and erosion back into the rock cycle. Where do the sediments come from the start are the basis for forming sedimentary rocks? 

Can also be purchased as part of a bundle for Earth Science which also includes the Rock Cycle and Fossil Unit. Save 20% by purchasing together. 

 Earth Science bundle at 20% Discount

Thank you for reading.  Keep it hands-on and remember to integrate!

If you teach 2nd Grade this related resource has been developed specifically for the NGSS 2nd Grade Earth Science Standards